Monday, March 30, 2015

The religion of Mumbo Jumbo.

Bosom friends!

Despite the fact that I was very tempted to write about the morons who are posting pictures of the inside of their fridges (what the bloody fuck?), I will refrain my self from tackling such a compelling topic and I will instead share my humble opinion over two very different yet connected issues:

the Indiana's religious freedom law and the latest HBO's documentary Going Clear about the church of Scientology.

I know, it's sounds like the plot of yet another American Horror Story.
But lets' get cracking.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence stirred up controversy this week when he signed a "religious freedom" bill into law.
The law has businesses and civil rights groups up in arms and threatening to boycott the state.
The reaction has gotten so hot, that on Saturday, Pence told The Indianapolis Star that he is working with legislators to amend the law and "clarify" that it does not promote discrimination.
The law asserts that the government can't "substantially burden a person's exercise of religion" and that individuals who feel like their religious beliefs have been or could be "substantially burdened" can lean on this law to fend off lawsuits.
Jesus Christ Superstar.
It's not so much that religious freedom has suddenly become controversial, but rather critics of the bill assert the law could be used by individuals and businesses to discriminate on the basis of religion -- particularly against the LGBT community of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.
We are here, we are queer, get used to it.
The unsettling thing is that these "religious freedom restoration" laws already been used as legal defenses.
Toto I don't think we are in Kansas anymore.
The Human Rights Campaign highlighted several cases in which individuals have used these laws in court -- and not just in cases involving LGBT people and weddings.
A police officer in Oklahoma claimed a religious objection when he refused to police a mosque. A police officer in Salt Lake City cited his "religious liberty" when he refused to police a gay pride parade.
A photographer in New Mexico used religious freedom as a defense for not serving a lesbian couple in 2013.

What happened to doing the job you are getting paid for and keeping your religious believes for yourself? 
How the hell (or the heaven) did we get into this mess???

Religious freedom???
Religious people have been free to do the hell they have wanted to for centuries, including Crusades and child molestation.
So now we have to give sanctuary (pun intended) to whomever decide to act against any civil right as long as they do it in the name of their religion?
I suppose the ISIS chaps can now sleep soundly knowing that they can claim religious freedom.
Go ahead and become a kamikaze bomber. Indiana says that as long as your exercise of religion has been substantially burdened you can go ahead and act like an ass.
What a wonderful world.

It seams like we are doing one step forward and tow steps back. We are all dancing this tedious political minuet and quite frankly I'd rather listen to a five years old yapping about Frozen the sequel instead of this ludicrous program for the Liberation of the Oppressed Religious Dignity. L.O.R.D.

Indeed, Lord.

On the other hand we have the ever so entertaining church of Scientology who is now very upset with HBO after the airing of the network latest documentary titled GOING CLEAR: SCIENTOLOGY AND THE PRISON OF BELIEF, based on the book by Pulitzer Prize winner Lawrence Wright.

Director Alex Gibney profiles eight former members of the Church of Scientology, whose most prominent adherents include A-list Hollywood celebrities, shining a light on how the church cultivates true believers, detailing their experiences and what they are willing to do in the name of religion.

This powerful new film highlights the Church’s origins, from its roots in the mind of founder L. Ron Hubbard to its rise in popularity in Hollywood and beyond. The heart of the film is a series of shocking revelations by former insiders, including high-ranking and recognizable members as they describe the systematic history of abuse and betrayal by Church officials, including the current leadership of the Church.

A provocative tale of ego, exploitation and lust for power and I am sure with plenty of laughable details about this made up crock of shit knock off religion.

Scientology teaches that people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature. Its method of spiritual rehabilitation is a type of counselling known as auditing, in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past in order to free themselves of their limiting effects. Study materials and auditing sessions are made available to members on a fee-for-service basis, which the church describes as a "fixed donation". Scientology is legally recognized as a tax-exempt religion in the United States, South Africa, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, and Spain; the Church of Scientology emphasizes this as proof that it is a bona fide religion. In contrast, the organization is considered a commercial enterprise in Switzerland, a cult (secte) in France and Chile, and a non-profit in Norway, and its legal classification is often a point of contention.
Further controversy has focused on Scientology's belief that souls ("thetans") reincarnate and have lived on other planets before living on Earth and that some of the related teachings are not revealed to practitioners until they have paid thousands of dollars to the Church of Scientology.
Now I haven't watched the documentary yet but I am dying to. However I am fairly sure I do not need an in depth exposé to know that Scientology is just a load of crap like any other pay-per-redemption kind of church.

Some of the adept to Scientology even ventured comments like the following:

I don't see the Sun Film Festival allowing a documentary against Judaism.

Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions and was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East. Jews believe that God appointed the Jews to be his chosen people in order to set an example of holiness and ethical behaviour to the world.

Scientology believes in aliens.

Your call bosom friends.

I am glad that such demented believers have now one more instrument (religious freedom) to perpetrate and foster such mumbo jumbo.

From the bottom of my ass, thank you Indiana.

Ciao for now.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Home n.3

Bosom friends!

The loft is ready!

I hope you like it, 'cause WE DO!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

These are a few of my favorite things (or not).

Bosom friends!

Today is going to be a fast and furious kind of post.

I will write a list of things that I am fond of and a list of things I don't give a fuck about.

Fond of, no fucks about.


- Cher, in any shape or form;
- Barbra Streisand, in any shape or form;
- Kylie Minogue, in any shape or form;
- My husband, it takes a village to keep me together and he is as big as a city;
- Any female actor with particular fondness towards the ones with a sense of humor;
- Female comedians, men are always jerking off their egos when cracking jokes, women are simply funnier;
- Live entertainment, even the bad school productions because it takes courage to get on a stage and make magic (or tragedy) happen;
- Good movies and TV shows where acting and filmography come first;
- Beauty, beautiful is forever;
- White whine spritzers, don't judge;
- Laughter, if you can put a witty twist on whatever happens to you, you are much better off in life. Shit happens, laughing about it makes us not wanting to jump off our sea view balcony;
- Curiosity, it makes you travel, discover, learn. It keeps your mind open and allow you to remain enthusiastic about life.
- Kindness. You can be as dumb as a bucket of rocks but if you are kind we are cool.


- Whomever stays or goes from the One Direction boy band;
- Kardashians, in any shape or form. Please make it stop;
- Defined muscles. Yes you are hot, but I can only look at a tight ass for so long. Gravity will eventually have the best of it anyway;
- Any sport that involves balls;
- Any movie with where boobs, sex and special effects are the only things on the plate;
- Anybodies work out regime, I do not need to know how many reps you have done today. Rather tell me about the last book you read...;
- Religion. Believe in what you want just don't make it my problem;
- Cute. Cute has the same value as "fine". Never settle for cute, go for unique!

And what is your list?

Ciao for now.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Just Celine.

Bosom friends!

As I said once before there is nothing better than starting the day with a good liberating cry.

On August 13 last year, Celine Dion released a statement to her fans confirming that she would be leaving her Vegas residency due to her husband's poor health. She dismissed her show gowns for a more practical nurse uniform. She left a hugely successful gig to help her husband getting better. Celine wanted to be there first hand and that is exactly what she did.

Now that her husband is doing better Celine is back.
Thank you Lord Almighty.

This morning on ABC's Good morning America Celine Dion broke down in tears in an interview with reporter Deborah Roberts about her manager and husband René Angélil's battle with throat cancer. (Here is the link)
During the interview Celine revealed that Rene has to be fed by a feeding tube. 'He can't eat so I feed him. He's got a feeding tube. I have to feed him three times a day. I DO this myself.'
Although incredibly emotional, Celine vowed that they will both continue to fight cancer saying 'We are taking life one day at a time,' she said. 'But we are choosing to live.'
This is why the singer will resume her residency at Caesars Palace Las Vegas on August 27th with a new act.
Again, thank you Lord Almighty.

Head to you tube to see her video to her fans (link)

Now you may or may not find Celine Dion an extraordinary vocalist and performer (my hubby thinks she is a bit awkward when performing live...) but we must all appreciate her candour and her I-am-an-open-book disposition.

Talking about a troubled loved one during an interview, on camera and having to carry the responsibility of being a huge success time after time (not only for herself but for all the people who have a job thanks to her) must be quite a bitch ride to follow through with.
Indeed she is giving such interviews to promote her Vegas come back but she doesn't need to share such details about her private life to make anybody buy a ticket to her show. She is frigging Celine Dion not Latoya Jackson. I believe she chooses to be so open and personal because she feels about her emotions the same way she feels about singing: that's all she knows.
Celine knows how to sing and she knows how she feels.
I think that being masters at what we do and being perfectly connected to our emotions is a very powerful state of mind.
As long as we have a purpose and we hold on to our true sentiments any obstacle can be taken care of.
Celine said "We have a ticket to fly and a ticket to live" so they are going back to her performing all the way to Vegas because they are alive and they must live.

I don't know about you but I fell in love with Celine even more this morning.

She truly embodies one of her biggest songs because indeed her heart (and her show) will go on.

Ciao for now.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Drag the writing on the wall.

Bosom friends,

I do hope you will take 5 minutes of your time and read today's thoughts from my bosom to yours.

I won't post pretty pictures to capture your attention.
I will write about me and what is going on in my head, perhaps in the process I will manage to get more clarity over the state of things.

I am well aware that I have nothing to complain about. My life has been very fulfilling and I am fortunate to have found love without having to jump through hoops.
I live in a wonderful city, in a wonderful apartment with my wonderful husband. I don't need to rush to get a job (still waiting for work permit) and I am not counting pennies to buy the bare necessities.
I've traveled the world and I have been smart enough to remain curios and to keep learning new things.
I have a lot to be grateful for and I truly understand how good I have it.

That being said...

I find myself at a point in my life where I don't feel I belong to myself anymore.
Let me explain.

I used to be a dancer and an aerialist and that has always defined me. I embraced my whole career and the life style that came with it. I've always said that I was never gonna quit performing unless that choice was going to be taken because of reasons beyond my control.
You know what they say, be careful what you wish for.
Indeed I didn't have to choose to quit performing, a work related injury did it for me.
I was very well taken care of by the company I worked for but even though the medical referral says that I am as good as new, my injured limb begs to differ. But it is all good, a document is a document is a document. No amount of lawyers is going to give me my career back and frankly I juts want that whole ordeal to be in the past.
Moving on.

The tricky part came in when I begun to redefine myself.
Moving to a new country. Getting all sort of paper works. Waiting to get a work permit. Trying not to loose my mind and myself all together.
I thought I had the skills, have been there many times before, piece of cake.
Was I wrong?!

I found myself so convoluted in planning this whole new me that I lost sight of what really counts in ones life or at least what counts in my own life.
The thing is it is difficult to be in no-man's-land and still remain grounded.
It's not pleasant finding myself at 33 with no real degree but a whole lot of experience. Unfortunately experience is not tangible and it is difficult to materialize it on a CV. When you have been on a stage shaking your booty for over a decade the transition to the next chapter can be as awkward as Bambi trying to walk for the first time. Being an opinionated Italian does not help either.

As a child I have always loved dressing up to transform myself into my own creation. Subconsciously I was elevating myself to the ultimate level of self-awareness. I didn't know that at the time but I have come to this realization years later. It's amazing what children's unconstrained candour can do. It's way easier to be transcendental at a young age mainly because we are still following our instincts rather than our reason.
Unfortunately we have to grow up and take responsibilities for our actions and how they could influence our loved ones.
I spent a whole lot of money to prepare for this silly dream of mine and I feel so bad about it that even finding the courage to tell you what the whole saga entitles is rather hard.
The thing is that I love dressing up in drag but I am fairly sure I am not cut out for that life style. I know I could do great but I am not about to bump and grind wearing little more than some sequins and holing tips in my hands. I am not saying I am better than that. That is simply not what I want to achieve by wearing wigs and heels.
My performing is my writing. The way I look (when in full regalia) is just an attractive package to lure an audience in.

I am well aware that I have an amazing support system but life happens and sometimes nobody has the time or the patience to spare a few words of encouragement or simply take two minutes to tell you to pull your head out of your ass and to yank you back to reality.

There is such a thing as a pipe dream but when is it wise to flush it down together with your last poop?

I have always found great comfort in my writing because it's the only thing that does not require me to warm up or to put make-up on for. I can do it from wherever I find myself at and I don't need to be away from the love of my life while I paint my stories. I can type away and through the words I can transform myself into whatever I want to, with the added bonus of letting my readers into the process too. Writing comes alive only when it is read. The user is as important as the maker, it's our imagination that brings to life a written page.

Imagination brings to life our existence.

The difficult part is to learn how to read the compass that will point us in the right direction.

Ciao for now.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Famous elephant in the room.

Bosom friends!

Hope you all had a spectacular weekend!

I spent mine in Orlando getting fitted for a glorious new custom made gown, but that's a story for another day...

Since my last post about  introspective crap fell a little short on the popularity front, I will start the week with a topic that usually correspond to secure web popularity:

the big K

Rob, the son of Kris Jenner and the late Robert Kardashian, made a disturbing Instagram post on Sunday where he drew a parallel between his sister Kim, 34, and the crafty villain of the 2014 drama Gone Girl, played by Rosamund Pike. (If you haven't seen the movie mind you there is a spoiler alert...)

The comparison is far from flattering as Pike played a ruthless Manhattan trust fund beauty who went to great lengths to put her cheating husband, played by Ben Affleck, in a terrible light.
The character lied, faked her death and even murdered an ex-boyfriend.
This post signs that the chill has gotten even stronger between Rob - who has not been seen in public in months - and Kim, who is more famous than ever now that she is married to Kanye West. 
Lord have mercy.

Sister Khloe Kardashian is concerned that younger brother Rob is suffering from social anxiety.
Khloe, who holds a doctorate in psychology (NOT) admits that Rob is not at his 'happiest place' but maintains hope that he will get there soon.
'I just feel, especially over the last year, Rob has become very introverted and has a kind of social anxiety.
'He’s definitely not at his happiest place that he once was, and I know he can get to that happy place and he will.
'We all kind of get to a place where you don't know where to go in life or whatever, so I think it's important for him to know that he always has people to lean on and it's not unnatural for people to not know where to begin. It's a growing process. I will always be his No. 1 supporter.'
After a significant weight gain and a falling out with Kim about her wedding to Kanye West, it was decided that Rob would no longer receive an ongoing storyline in the show and is now rarely ever seen.
And while his sisters continue to dominate the headlines and the magazine covers, Rob has faded increasingly into the shadow of their high profile lives in the last year.
Last week, family rallied around on social media to wish their brother a very happy birthday as he marked his 28th.
To his birthday party, Radar Online reports that Rob only invited sisters Kourtney and Khloe, along with nieces North West and Penelope Disick.
Mother Kris meanwhile, appeared to be away for the week in a paradise location, accompanied by actress Melanie Griffith. Classic.

Poor Robbie...

Imagine having to deal with such a bulldoze of a family. 

The only male descendant of the big K dinasty never really managed to brand himself properly and his name was never associated to a best selling cheaply made product manufactured in China.
Those are the reason why he is not worthy of the big K stamp of approval.
On top of that while all his sisters and mother are obsessed with the way they look Rob goes to Wendy's to eat his sorrows. The man packed some junk in his trunk...and in his hood.
Fat, talent and big K do not mix.

Of course they are all very supportive of Rob unless that compromises their attendance to the opening of an envelope or trotting all over Paris pretending to have anything to do with the fashion elite. Anna Wintour is still going through a scrupulous colonic cleansing to scrap away the sense of crassness that having to mix with that whole bunch left her with.

I am sure that if anybody has a good insight of what really goes on inside the big K head quarters, Rob must be one of them.
Momager Kris tried her best to make something out of her little boy but eventually drop the ball and grabbed her Birkin.

I feel like Rob is the only one from that family who actually sees them all for what they are. He tried to become part of the clan but he simply failed to become yet another piece of plastic an PR with the sole purpose of remaining popular and keeping a brand alive.

The problem is that the big K supremacy seems to be here to stay no matter how much most of people find their whole operation as painful as a root canal. Unfortunately in this age where popularity and quantity has replaced substance and sensibility the big K endures. This well oiled machine managed to get on board their enterprise people and institution that once upon a time would have dismissed such sex-tape-star-turned-into-reality-TV-personality without a second thought.

Rob just mentioned the big elephant in the room.

God forbid we allow such thing.

 Ciao for now.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Guess who's back.

Bosom friends!

I am puzzled today.

Indulge me in this consideration.

I just saw on TV that Monica Lewinsky tackled cyberbullying in TED Talk.

From kneeling for a president to lecturing and denouncing the “industry” of collective shaming.

Here is an extract from Vanity Fair:

Monica Lewinsky took to the stage in Vancouver giving a TED Talk on cyberbullying.
Lewinsky shared personal anecdotes from her life, and recounted her experiences as one of the earliest victims of cyberbullying. At the age of 22, Lewinsky—then a White House intern—engaged in an affair with President Bill Clinton. The story emerged online in 1998, just as the Internet was coming of age as a tool for the rapid dissemination of information—and potential weapon for reputation destruction.
“This scandal was brought to you by the digital revolution,” Lewinsky said on Thursday. After a decade away from the public eye, Lewinsky returned with a stirring, National Magazine Award–nominated essay in Vanity Fair. The piece, in which Lewinsky lamented today’s “culture of humiliation,” helped spur on a national conversation about cyberbullying.
“Public humiliation is a commodity and shame is an industry,” she said. “And what is the currency? Clicks.” Lewinsky, who is the subject of a lengthy New York Times profile that was published on Thursday, asked Internet users to try and “#ClickWithCompassion.”
“I am deeply grateful to Chris Anderson and the amazing TED family, staff and attendees, for giving me this opportunity,” Lewinsky said in a statement after her speech. “I hope that today we have taken a step further in the fight against cyberbullying and harassment and that people know that you can insist on a different ending.”

It's all good.

Now I would like to ask Monica where she think she would be today if it wouldn't have been for the sexual scandal she was involved over a decade ago. I am not asking the question with a sarcastic tone.
I am genuinely curios.
After all is said and done she did have an affair with a VERY public figure, a married man who was living in a very white house handling a huge amount of power.
She didn't "shake things up" with one of the gardeners of the White House. No. Her eyes didn't wonder on one of the five full-time chefs who cook for the presidential compound. None of the other 3,300 West Wing's full time staff members were worthy of Lewinsky special TLC.
She could have had a whole lot of fun with any other "regular" guy and nobody would have given half a shit.
But she didn't.
At the time she choose to have a mutual relationship with Bill Clinton.
To action there are consequences and the consequences are proportional to all the factors that need to be considered in the equation.
Monica said “This scandal was brought to you by the digital revolution”.
I feel like that scandal was brought to us by a 22 years old consenting intern and a 49-year-old married United States president.

This is how, in a "witt-full" written speech, she addresses her youthful mistake:

"Now I admit I made mistakes — especially wearing that beret — but the attention and judgment that I received — not the story, but that I personally received — was unprecedented, I was branded as a tramp, tart, slut, whore, bimbo and, of course, 'that woman.' I was known by many, but actually known by few. I get it. It was easy to forget 'that woman' was dimensional and had a soul."
"Public humiliation as a blood sport has to stop," Lewinsky told the audience. "We need to return to a long-held value of compassion and empathy."
"Anyone who is suffering from shame and public humiliation needs to know one thing: you can survive it," she said. "I know it's hard. It may not be painless, quick or easy, but you can insist on a different ending to your story."

Some have questioned the timing of Lewinsky's return to public life, as it coincides with the ramp-up to Hillary Clinton's expected presidential run. But Lewinsky said during her talk she was spurred to speak out when she saw how damaging cyberbullying could be. 

What is happening is that Lewinsky is trying to revamp her image big time with a crusade against cyberbullying.

I do have perfect mastery of the long-held value of compassion and empathy (as mentioned by Lewinsky). I use plenty of that for human beings who are on their knees for other issues. People who have to deal with the shame-ridden cyberspace too but differently from Lewinsky, didn't necessarily get themselves in such conundrums. 

Monica is now parading around, perfectly airbrushed and rehearsed telling us how much her affair took away from her life. She is eventually turning shit into gold.

Vanity Fair article.

But what else could has she done?

Finding a job with such a brand glued on her was not an option.
Monica had to find an alternative way to make a living and for her spirit of initiative and clever wit I do applaud her.
I am trying to be a better person by not letting her past influence my humble opinion.
I really am.
But I can't help hearing all of the other voices in my head.

I see a clever girl who knew exactly what she was doing. She just choose to oversee the fact that the man in question was married and the President of the USA.
Yes, the way she was publicly stigmatized was horrible but as I said action=consequence.
She did put herself in that position of vulnerability.
I find difficult to see her as a fair representative for all the other who are suffering because of cyberbullying.

What about Hillary? The betrayed wife???
What about Chelsea? The disappointed daughter???

Why aren't they giving speeches about the repercussion of Bill's "needs" on their lives?

Paraphrasing Monica: 
with every marital indiscretion that finds its way into the public sphere (many of which involve male politicians) the men do what they need to do to look humiliated and remorseful. They bow out of public life for a while, but they inevitably return, having put it all behind them.  
It always seems like the woman conveniently takes the fall. The women in these "incidents" return to lives that are not so easily repaired.  

Women end up being the tramps or the emotionally unavailable wives.
Monica did get the shitty end of the stick because she was the woman in the affair and Bill didn't have to carry that cross for more than a few months, but what did we expect?
The President of the United States has a whole team whit the sole purpose of preserving the way that the public perceives him.
Monica only had a blue dress and a bad beret.

I think we should let Monica live her life with dignity and respect like anybody else but I am knee deep into a personal debate.
Where do I stand in regards of betrayal and what ever comes after it?
Redemption after the fall?
Calculation or genuine actions?
Shame and survival?
I feel like being a bitch towards Lewinsky but when I read her side of the story I felt also inclined to punch Bill in his scrotum.

Just like Natalie Imbruglia in the late 90's I am thorn.

What I know is that I am done and dusted with this blow-job stigma.
Let's all move on peeps.

Ciao for now.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Synthetic fabrics or synthetic children?

Bosom friends!

Content alert: if you are not open to any opinion but yours, read but don't hate. I am more than willing to hear anybodies side of the story, so comment away!

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana (AKA Dolce & Gabbana) usually only make fashion statements. This time around they made a social statement while talking about parenting and in vitro fertilization (IVF) to the Italian magazine Panorama.

This is what allegedly was recorded during the interview:

“We oppose gay adoptions. The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offsprings and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed.”
Mr Dolce said procreation “must be an act of love”. He continued “You are born to a mother and a father – or at least that’s how it should be… I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented uterus, semen chosen from a catalog.” Gabbana added: “The family is not a fad. In it there is a supernatural sense of belonging.”

It sounds like they were describing their 2016 fall collection.
Next season IVF will be out as well as same sex parents. But keep all of that in your closet since it may make a return on the catwalks next year. Vito to synthetic fabrics, green light to organic material with a touch of supernatural sense of belonging...

After that hell broke loose.

Sir Elthon John  pored his outrage on Instagram:

How dare you refer to my beautiful children as "synthetic". And shame on you for wagging your judgemental little fingers at IVF - a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfil their dream of having children. Your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions. I shall never wear Dolce and Gabbana ever again. #BoycottDolceGabbana

Courtney Love is apparently having a bonfire to burn all of her Dolce & Gabbana pieces.

Ricky Martin, whom is not living la vida loca anymore, as father of twins (obviously not from his own womb) wrote:

@dolcegabbana ur voices R 2powerfull 2B spreading so much h8. Wake up, Its 2015 Luv urselves guys #boycottdolcegabbana

The LGBT community is already full on working on their boycott Dolce & Gabbana campaign and I am pretty sure they will start throwing fresh placenta at whomever they will catch sporting any of the designers products just like Greenpeace would throw blood at people wearing real fur coats. 

In Italy we say "calma e sangue freddo" which means "keep calm and keep your blood cool".

I would like to point out that this dissertation came from two fashion designers and not from one of the United Nations spokesperson.
The "boys" were feeling in the mood for children in 2005 and now they have now changed style.
As fashion designers do.

In 2005 (left picture) they talked to Vanity Fair about their desire to be fathers and posed all cuddly with a diverse brood, in 2015 (right picture) they went for a Pulp-Fiction-Tarantino-esque look and let us know that this season they support the traditional family.

After a good amount of shit catapulted in their direction (as a result of their very Sicilian opinions about family) this is what they answered back:

"I was talking about my personal view, without judging other people's choices and decisions," he added. "I'm Sicilian and I grew up in a traditional family, made up of a mother, a father and children. I am very well aware of the fact that there are other types of families and they are as legitimate as the one I've known...But in my personal experience, family had a different configuration. That is the place where I learnt the values of love and family."
Gabbana said in his own statement, "it was never our intention to judge other people's choices. We do believe in freedom and love."
"We firmly believe in democracy and the fundamental principle of freedom of expression that upholds it," he added.

Now they are dancing a tedious minuet of political correctness.

Personally I do not give a half rat's ass about what D&G say over anything but fashion.
That is their expertise and if I choose to buy their stuff is because I like it and not because they are such lovely human beings.
Also I don't think that boycotting their brand is going to do much to open minds and make this planet a better place.

As I said before there is way worst in the world to get huffing and puffing about.

Yes, the way they described IVF children and such was not delicate or considerate, but they are entitled to their opinions as much as anybody else.

Ones can also sit back and enjoy the shit fest (that would be me).

I will not have children because I do not want any, not because Dolce & Gabbana told me so.

Furthermore the Italian dynamic fashion duo is not about to run a country or stipulate new laws.
They will keep matching fabrics and decide what skirt length will be a must for next season.

Form where I am standing they both look pretty harmless.

Ciao for now.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Abandoned Police.

Bosom friends!

Friday has arrived and now we can all lower the cleavage and raise our glasses.

I woke up this morning to some unsettling news: Kathy Griffin is leaving Fashion Police.

Hmmmm...I did see the writing on the wall as clearly as Kim Kardashian's nipples under her mesh dress.
Kathy performance on the E! Entertainment show was just uncomfortable and she was holding back big time.
She was just like Rosie O'Donnell on The View: trying to fit in a dress two sizes smaller.
No amount of Spanx was gonna help, let alone a team of so and so writes.

Here is the tweet with which Griffin announced her departure from the show:

Let me decode:

I am way better than this show, and since I am not Joan Rivers I am not entitled to be as "brash and eccentric" as she was. Also I have to listen to Rivers daughter (the executive producer of the show) so I am clearly better off. I ain't gonna be told what to say by anybody let alone a bad writer/producer.
So instead of doing a half ass job I am leaving this show not because I don't agree in making fun of rich and privileged people but because on E! I had to do that in away that was just cheap and I don't want to ruin a decade of hard work in the comedic world.

I for once really liked what she wrote on her tweet and I do applaud her decision to leave.
Fashion Police died with Joan Rivers and rightfully so.

About Kelly Osbourne leaving as well I am not moved by it at all. She didn't need Fashion Police to keep busy. She is already co-hosting The Talk with her caring mommy (a touch of nepotism never hurt anyone) and has a fashion line to promote. Good for her. She is indeed a lovely girl and I love her commitment to whatever she tries to do but her mother is the real deal. Nothing wrong with that, it's just a fact. I am sure that after some more years of learning from the best she will be ready to reign like her mother.

As I said before a joke, is a joke, is a joke.
Rivers used to have one of the foulest mouths in the whole comedic world. She did not spare anybody and her humor was a trademark.
I hoped her legacy would have been carried on especially since her daughter Melissa still is the executive producer of Fashion Police.

Unfortunately one thing is to have real talent of your own, another is to get in the spot light because of the talent of your parents.

Ciao for now.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world. Life in plastic is fantastic.

Bosom friends!

Today I will take a stroll down memory lane and let you all know what my childhood guilty pleasure used to be. (guilty because "boys are not supposed to play with that!")

My universe used to revolve around the most glorious, lavish, blondest-of-them-all doll ever created. She had a career as model, astronaut, veterinarian, doctor and the list goes on. 
She has been going steady with the same man for decades and has been smart enough only to have a "Dream Wedding" and never actually tie the knot. She is very wise with her money and has invested in many real estates from villas to condos, even dream homes and horses.
I am talking about the doll I passionately desired my whole life: BARBIE.

I used to play with her for hours, I had a whole box with all her dresses neatly stored and even some custom made gowns patiently sewed by my brilliant grandmother.
My first one was a very basic model since my parents couldn't afford the annual Christmas version all done up in a sumptuous red velvet gown. I only got Beach Barbie who was sparingly dressed in a halter top swim suit. Nevertheless I loved her with all my heart and she was only the first of a collection that got better and better thanks to my very progressive and modern parents. They even got me the Barbie Western Fun Mobile Home as my Christmas present in 1988. 

 I used to store it away with a big handkerchief on it to keep the dust away. I loved and still love anything Barbie and even though the cruel kids I grew up with used to bitterly make fun of my playing taste, I did not give a shit about it and carried on having fun with my beloved Barbie and her fabulous world.


My playing ritual consisted in brushing Barbie's hair, giving her a new do, changing her outfit and accompany her in any activity she was busy with on any given day: from walking in a fashion show to having friends over for dinner.
Barbie was everything I wanted to be: beautiful, independent, engaged to a handsome man, owner of a Cher worthy closet and living a life in true Zsa Zsa Gabor style.

Today times have changed.
Now playing has become technological. 
Kids want to be connected, wired and most of them trot around with an iPad strapped together with their bib, as long as they keep quite everybody is happy.
Mattel had to up its game too and is now taking interaction with dolls to a whole new level.
I have been talking to my Barbies for years, but the one coming out this fall will actually listen and talk back.
Ladies and Gentlemen I am proud to introduce HELLO BARBIE.

"Hello Barbie" uses speech recognition and connects to Wi-Fi. When someone presses a button on her belt buckle, Barbie will record what you say. As the doll "listens," audio recordings travel over the Web to a server where the snippets of speech are recognized and processed. That information is used to help form Hello Barbie's responses. It's saved, so Barbie keeps learning more and more about you, in order to inform her responses. Overtime, "Hello Barbie" will learn a child's likes and dislikes so that she can incorporate them into conversation.
That is more than we usually expect as a result from any other conversation we have during our average day. People actually listening!
On the other hand we have the perpetually concerned peeps who are saying:
"Kids using 'Hello Barbie' aren't only talking to a doll, they are talking directly to a toy conglomerate whose only interest in them is financial. It's creepy—and creates a host of dangers for children and families. The technology could leave children vulnerable to stealth advertising. Children could, for example, be subtly encouraged to ask their parents for related Barbie toys or accessories", said Susan Linn, the director of Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood.
Susan, Susan, Susan.
Are you that naive?
Any corporation who is trying to sell something is only interested in us financially. There are whole departments in corporate America with the sole purpose of analyzing our habits, likes, dislikes, income, diet, even with how many piece of toilet-paper we wipe our precious assholes.
I am pretty sure Barbie does not represent a threat to our beloved children.
What I think is creepy for children is:
- overindulgent parents fueled by a sense of guilt over the lack to time they can or are willing to dedicate to their brood;
- the way that social media is already part of children lives from day one (what privacy??? An infant picture is proudly shared on the Net while the child still dripping with pieces of placenta);
- adults who do not listen to the children needs or are over barring all together;
- the fact that an iPad or an iPhone (sometimes both) have taken the place of coloring books and Legos;
- people who are so busy protecting the children from everything and anything, that when the first adversity comes along the now grown-up baby is completely lacking the tools to face the shit that has hit the fan.
Now that Barbie is no longer wearing heels and has a more realistic body shape here we go with another witch hunt.
You as a parent think that Hello Barbie is dangerous? Simply do not buy it. TADAH!

At the recent toy fair in New York City a spokeswoman asked Barbie "What should I be when I grow up?" The response related to an earlier part of their conversation: "Well, you told me you like being on stage, so maybe a dancer?"

I was never asked that question by an adult.
As far as I am concerned I am SOLD!

I am gonna buy two.
One for me and one for the child I used to be.

Ciao for now.