Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cute: The Unfuckable Word.

Bosom friends!

Mandatory for you all:

Head to Comedy Central (click on the link) and watch this gem by Amy Schumer from her hit TV show Inside Amy Schumer.

Amy stumbles upon a group of her show-business heroes celebrating a special occasion.
It's Tina Fey, Patricia Arquette, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
The gathered together to help Julia Louis-Dreyfus celebrate her last fuckable day.

The whole thing is as surreal as it is truthful and perfectly current.

Those women have the attitude that if possessed by all female in the world could turn this planet around in magnificent ways. I am fucking sure of that.

Thank God for that video.
I was not in a pleasant mood yesterday evening. So I did what I usually do to fix a mood: white wine spritzer the size of a fish bowl. When that didn't work I did what others suggest to do: sleep on it.
I did sleep on it.
I woke up as miserable as the previous evening. Same amount of bile in my system, same feeling of discouragement.
Then I bumped into Amy's video and realized that laughter truly is the best medicine.

Don't sleep on it, LAUGH ABOUT IT!
In my case laugh and write about it. I have been saving so much money since I have opted to avoid a therapist to help me reorganize the clutter in my brain. Mental DIY redecoration. Home Depot would be very proud.

Speaking of clutter I bumped into a post from the Dallas Moms Blog. 
This mom wrote about getting rid of her entire wardrobe and start fresh so that she wouldn't end up perpetually wearing her yoga outfit. 
The last drop that made her pioneer such enterprise was a picture of one of her frenemies (friend+enemy) whom was bragging about her newly organized and decorated wardrobe. 
Then the Dallas mom starts describing a wardrobe capsule, a mini-wardrobe made up of really versatile pieces that you totally LOVE to wear...
Kill me now.
Once she was done with this revolutionary undertake she said:
not only do I look better, but I feel better. The clutter I cut out of my life has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.
I can say that changing my wardrobe has changed my outlook on life. It has helped my confidence and attitude about how less really is more.

If you know me even a little you must only imagine how I must feel about such statements.

For me the concept of huge weight lifted off ones shoulders should entitle more than a new acquired sense of style or the mastering of fashion styling.
A paid off debt or mortgage could be a huge weight off ones frigging shoulder. 
Knowing that your kids may not have to deal with the consequences of global warming could give you a new outlook on life.

Dressing nicely should makes you feel more confident perhaps but I wouldn't give it so much relevance.
I mean come on!
If a cluttered closet is what is holding you down then you may need to re-evaluate your whole life pronto . Those problems are called first world problems. Go and ask an African mother with no running water or even a toilet in her home what she thinks of a stuffed wardrobe that is holding Dallas mothers down. A very humble yet liberating go fuck yourself perhaps.

But there is more.

This article was very well received and positive comments kept pouring.

Many other ladies were very thankful towards this Dallas mom and her pearls of de-cluttering wisdom.
Words like brave, inspiring, such guts, clutter is holding me back were not spared.

Brave? Inspiring? Guts? Clutter is holding me back?
"Cute" article but we need to get some perspective ladies… 

An army of women that only need to eventually look CUTE to put their lives together.  
Can we get rid of the word “cute”?
Cute homogenizes individuality.

"Cute" and "fine" are two words I only use when I try to be polite.
However "cute" is the worst.
As I said before cute is temporary, beautiful is forever.

We should ALL aspire to be beautiful, sensational, unique, amazing, one of a kind.

Those qualities transpire even from a messy, stuffed, unorganized closet. 

I wonder what Amy Schumer, Tina Fey, Patricia Arquette, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus would have say about that...but they do have more pressing issues such as their own unfuckable day approaching...

Ciao for now.