Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Driving Miss Daisy.

Bosom friends,

Another very gray day here in Miami.
I've never thought I was going to see fog in Florida and yet here it is. An oatmeal-dense heavy curtain wrapping everything in sight. I can't even begin to imagine what that would do to my hair. Instantaneous poodle frizz.

I am used to this kind of weather but for sure it does not help when you are trying to write something witty yet intelligent. But I will try to pull it out of my ass. Some morning exercise never hurt anybody.

Last night hubby and I eventually completed our online DATA course in order to apply for our written and practical test to get a Florida drivers license. Joy to the world.
First time drivers in the state of Florida need to complete a 4-hour Drug and Alcohol Course before applying for a learner's permit. This course covers how alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to drive, laws and responsibilities, safe driving techniques, and how to increase your awareness on our roadways.
I know you must be all VERY excited. As if you just read that Justin Bieber got deported back to Canada.
It's quite ironic that I took the entire course while riding a lovely white wine spritzer buzz.
I had to.
The whole thing gives you a rather frightening reality check. The statistic they show you about car crashes and such are just not conducive to a good night sleep.

Actual Russian drunk driving billboard.

On top of all of that they even state that you can have fun without consuming alcoholic beverages. 
I would say that you MUST NOT drive after consuming booze. Having fun and driving should not be confused...
Anyway we both passed and now we have to take the written test at one of the DMV offices and do a behind-the-wheel exam to get a Florida divers license. Also we will need to jump through a burning hoop, steal the ring from Frodo, get the magic word from a Spanish leprechaun and find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Nevada State Route 375.

All of this in order to be bestowed the privilege of driving a vehicle in Miami. Yes driving in Florida it's a privilege. To be said that drivers in the whole of Miami are the rudest and most inconsiderate ones in the whole of the United States of the America. Also God forbid if they drive a yellow Ferrari or a red Maserati. Then you better give up your right of way when they are passing by like you would for an ambulance.

Say no more.

I got my first license back in Italy so I do know about rude and road-rage inclined drivers.
Now I am in the process of getting my second one so that I can become a privileged Miamian too.

On top of that I am trying to decorate our apartment (which we haven't signed the lease for yet) using the lovely US measurements units. All of the lovely inches, feet, yards and such. Oh so VERY confusing. I will probably end up buying a couch the size of my ego and an area rug as small as a hand towel.
Our closet designer from California Closets is coming on Friday to see what he can do to help us store all of our crap.
His name is Thom.
Tom but with an H.
H for hope.
Hope he gets it right.
I spent all of these years living out of the closet and not I am actually gonna pay somebody to build me one. Considering their love for involuntary humor, I am sure the DATA course people would find that quite ironic.

Ciao for now.

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